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How to create a PagerDuty Destination & Action​

Step 1. Navigate to the Services tab, then click on your service.​

Step 2. Click on Integrations followed by Add integration​

Step 3. Select the Events API V2 integration, then click Add.​

Step 4. Click on the new integration and copy the Integration Key. Make note of the region in the Integration URL. If it is eu, you will need to specify eu as the region. If one does not exist, you will use us as the region.​

Step 5. Navigate to and click + Destination​

Step 5. Fill in the details for the destination as shown below and then click Create. (Remember to select the correct region)​


Swiple supports AWS Secret Manager, GCP Secret Manager, and Azure Key Vault. Instead of using a raw secret, replace it with the path/name of the secret. For more information, see How to use AWS Secret Manager, GCP Secret Manager, & Azure Key Vault

Step 6. Navigate to the dataset you'd like to add an Action to, click the Actions tab, then click + Action.​

Step 7. Configure your Action and then click Create.​

You're Done! 🎉​